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- Amiga Arena Interview
- ---------------------
- with RĂ¼diger Hanke Developer from Excult,Filters for Pagestream..
- (29.07.2001)
- Special Thanks to Christian B. for the translation!
- *Hello RĂ¼diger, would you plase introduce yourself to the readers of Amiga Arena
- I'm 25 years old and study informatics at the university of Paderborn.
- Besides developing for the Amiga I like to be creative, mainly I'm a writer.
- The Amiga's creative potential is unique, but attracts much too little attention,
- unfortunately even in the plans of Amiga. Amongst other things,
- I write as a "guest editor" for an english e-zine and
- am currently producing a "pencil & paper" role play book,
- b.t.w. completely on the Amiga (mainly using AmigaWriter and Pagestream,
- even the cover will be made using ArtEffect).
- Apart from that I love music and go to many concerts.
- I rather spend my money for concert journeys across
- Germany, Europe, and America than buying a PC.
- *How did you get to the Amiga?
- I got to like computers relively late.
- When friends showed me proudly their C64s and Plus/4s I wasn't absolutely thrilled.
- Even my father had a computer before me, an Atari ST.
- As that was already there, I wanted to play with it,
- but there were hardly any games for monochrome monitors,
- so I grabbed the included Basic and wrote my own.
- I got my own computer a bit later - when a friend showed me his Amiga.
- That was love at first sight.
- *Since when have you been an Amiga user?
- Since summer 1988.
- *Which Amiga do you own?
- My main computer is an Amiga 4000 in a tower case with CyberStormPPC,
- CyberVision 64/3D, and 146MB RAM.
- At the place where I study my trusty old Amiga 2000 is still chugging away,
- still in its original state with Kickstart 1.3, 4MB RAM,
- and 40MB hard disk. That one won't get upgraded, a bit of nostalgia is necessary,
- and UAE doesn't have enough Amiga feeling for that.
- *Which OS version are you running?
- OS 3.9 on the A4000.
- *Which software are you developing?
- My software can be roughly divided into two areas.
- One is software for word processing/DTP, this includes
- for example several filters for SoftLogik's DTP program PageStream,
- and taking on the porting of Ghostscript. Ghostscript 7.00 is upcoming,
- which will have many Amiga specific improvements (display with antialiasing,
- support of the new OS3.5 printer.device, the PPC version now renders about 800-1400%
- faster with antialiasing than before without). Furthermore
- I am developing a utility that has approximately the function of AmiDiction,
- but works offline. There are all sorts of databases imaginable for that,
- besides the included dictionary and thesaurus one could also realize language translation lexica.
- Alas, german language data are currently missing.
- The second area is entertainment, primarily role playing games and adventures.
- Probably because a good game story is very important to me.
- Instead of porting, I'd rather write my own role playing adventure.
- Best of all would be a mixture of the best elements of the Ultima series and Ambermoon,
- but where would I get (good) illustrators and musicians?
- The problem with visual games is that they get devaluated by mediocre graphics.
- *How did you get the idea of developing respectively port Excult?
- I am a big fan of role playing games,
- but this genre in particular has recently been missing out on the Amiga
- I encountered Exult when I was in search of open source role playing projects
- that are portable with justifiable effort, fairly playable, and are being advanced actively.
- *Please tell us a few particulars of Excult.
- Using Exult, Ultima 7, which is generally regarded as the best game of the Ulima series,
- can be played on the Amiga. Though Ultima 7 is already 11 years old,
- there's more accuracy in its world than in most of today's PC role playing games.
- For example there's a cat sitting on the wayside and disappearing behind a fence when you approach;
- the people you meet are pursuing their own daily tasks,
- and for baking bread you can manually grind flour and get water from the well...
- Exult has some improvements compared to Ultima 7,
- amongst them an improved save dialog which allows saving more game scores.
- Furthermore you can move through the world even if additional
- windows (chests, backpack, character statistics) are open.
- In the original you first had to close these windows.
- Furthermore the computer controlled characers of your own group move a bit more sensibly than in the original.
- In order to utilize the better resolution of modern computers,
- Exult possesses several scaling engines to be able to double the original resolution in high quality.
- The game screen can thus be as large as graphics board and processor performance allow for.
- However, Exult doesn't try to be Ultima 7 for modern computers
- but a "role playing game engine for Ultima 7 data files".
- Using "Exult Studio", which is currently being developed for Linux,
- it will be possible to write your own role plays using the Ultima 7 engine.
- Whether or not there will be an Amiga version hasn't been decided yet.
- I would like to undertake that task, but there are other things with higher priority.
- Up to now nobody has inquired if there will be Exult Studio for the Amiga.
- *Which software have you used for that?
- Exult was developed with StormC 4 and the AmigaSDL port by Gabriele Greco.
- As Exult uses many modern C++ features, a port would probably have been
- impossible with most other Amiga compilers. Even with StormC it was enough of a pain in the neck.
- *Will there be further updates etc.?
- I inquired with Jeff Freedman, Exult's project manager,
- and he wants to integrate the changes to the Amiga version into the CVS tree.
- I tried to make all necessary changes and workarounds as central
- as possible rather than spreading them across the source files.
- That means as long as there aren't any big changes to Exult,
- I just need to get a current CVS snapshot and compile.
- Particular to the Amiga version, there first has to be a version
- running trouble-free with Picasso96.
- After that there will be versions for WarpOS and AmigaOS 4.
- *Don't you lose the fun in developing when you see how little
- this is still honoured in the Amiga marketplace?
- You rather lose the fun if you read the featherbrained comments
- that appear everywhere in various forums and news pages and lack
- all sense of reality and competence.
- The resonance to freeware ports and developments is ok if you see the Amiga's user base,
- I get a couple of "thank you" emails which I'm of course very pelased with.
- Some people are thankful if you still do anything for the Amiga.
- As soon as you leave the freeware sector, it's looking bleak again.
- There it goes to extremes. My AmigaWriter filter for Pagestream was postcardware.
- I thought that would create more resonance than shareware.
- I believe, for postcard postage the filter is practically a giveaway,
- if you compare that to the price of the official document filter for Wordworth.
- Here the (postal) resonance has been crushing - but those who made the effort
- of writing also sent little presents or didn't use the filter at all and just wanted to support Amiga developers.
- *Will you support further Amiga OS versions?
- On all accounts! It might even be good that the next ports will only appear
- for AmigaOS 4 if necessary. Unfortunately it looks much like that at the moment.
- Next I'd like to port a role games again, but this time one of the kind we've
- never had on the Amiga. If everything works out, it might be the biggest
- freeware game the Amiga has ever seen.
- I don't know yet whether or not I will support AmigaDE in private projects.
- That will depend on how important the DE will become for the desktop market.
- I'm not interested in embedded systems like mobile phones or PDAs.
- I'm also not very happy about the "Software Distribution Agreement"
- for the DE in its current form. Nonetheless, I own the SDK and did a
- couple of small things with that, so at least I'm familiar with it.
- If and when DE services are integrated into AmigaOS I will utilize them, though.
- *How do you as a developer see the Amiga's future?
- The commercial Amiga market is in a conceivably bad state.
- This has absolutely got to change if the Amiga is to have a chance.
- But I believe we have reached rock bottom.
- Maybe things will not change overnight with the AmigaOne and AmigaOS 4,
- but software companies developing specialized software for areas like audio
- and video would have a chance to offer complete solutions consisting of soft- and (modern) hardware.
- Besides, the DE might provide some boost to the AmigaOS.
- Amiga partners who want to use the DE will probably have a
- potential interest in a wide distribution of the AmigaOS.
- It can only benefit those companies if data can be exchanged between PDA and desktop
- in the easiest way, and the same applications can be used in transit and at home.
- *When did you last use your Amiga?
- I'm using my Amigas daily. I don't have a PC or Mac.
- When the new Macs were introduced I was on the verge of buying one.
- But then it wasn't really my world - that is and will be the Amiga.
- *Which was the software you last bought for the Amiga?
- I bought Drawstudio and Payback last.
- Drawstudio has payed off several times by now,
- I don't even know how I got by so long without it...
- *Which applications/games software do you still use?
- Most frequently I use word processors (Final Writer, Amigawriter),
- Pagestream, and of course StormC. I also use ArtEffect quite often.
- However, as I have widespread interests and no other computer,
- I use a lot of Amiga programs: IBrowse, YAM, NewsRog, GoldED,
- MUIBase, SoundFX, ... all registered!
- *Which soft/hardware do you still plan to buy?
- The most important for me would be the Pagestream table editor and Papyrus.
- Both, alas, not yet available.
- Concerning hardware, I want to be one of the first to own an AmigaOne with OS 4.
- I'm also interested in the PPC system announced by Merlancia and based
- on the bPlan board, not least of all because the keyboard layout
- is said to correspond to the Amiga keyboard.
- After 13 years of constant typing on the Amiga keyboard
- I have grave difficulties with all keyboards that have another layout :-).
- *Do you believe in a comeback of Amiga?
- Let's say it this way: I wish it on Amiga.
- It's unusual enough for the business that this computer
- is still there, after all it's been through.
- However, it probably won't be able to become
- again what it once was. But maybe that is a good
- thing if you see how corrupt you have to be to become market leader.
- After all, there isn't just "dead" or "market leader".
- A computer with a philisophy and perspective is enough for me.
- Generally I'm a firm believer that sometime there will emerge
- something that has the philosophy of an Amiga. Currently,
- bloatware is in. In many Windows and Linux programmers
- the self-esteem seems to increase with the number of
- megabytes of their executables. But sometime there will
- be a bang, and then there'll be something simple, slim,
- and elegant in demand - sooner or later.
- (c) Amiga Arena 2001